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User Interface


I have created an app user interface to walk you through the unique characteristics that should be incorperated into the Michael Kors mobile app.


The first slide depicts the login screen where users will enter their account information, this should only have to be done once, unless the user specifically logs out of the application.


The second slide depicts the drop down menu that can be accessed from all of the pages on the application. This is simply where users will choose which part of the site they want to visit. This mockup does not include all of the choices that will be included, hence the up and down arrows. 


The third slide is depicting the selection of womens clothing, the images fall off the app screen to show that users can slide to the left or right and view the thumbnail of the next product. 


The fourth slide is an example of how #InstaKors would be incoperated into the application, this is where all of the products a consumer liked on Michael Kors' Instagram would be sent so the consumer could complete the purchase.


The fifth slide is after the purchase has been completed and the consumer has the option to share their purchase and the link to the item on their social media with their friends and followers.  


The sixth slide shows the Tumblr page, this would be a way for the consumer to stay up to date with the Michael Kors blog without having to leave the application. A great way to seamlessly have your social media work together. 

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